Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lights, Camera, Action?

I suppose now is as good a time as any to bring this up .... Remember that 700 page guide we received before departing? There was a section just for women, which included good advice on staying safe and well while in India. It suggested that we should be prepared for stares and perhaps a few "colorful" comments. Well, there have been stares, not only for us women, but for Danny as well! It turns out that "white" Americans are very much a novelty in this part of India.

It doesn't take Sherlock Homes to figure out that people are taking pictures of us. Some are a little more obvious, outgoing and friendlier than others. Those are the ones that actually want to have their pictures taken WITH US! We feel like movie stars - almost. Just between you and me, I use my sunglasses to watch them watch me, without letting them know that I am watching them watch me. Follow?

It takes a little getting used to, but so far it seems to be working to our advantage. One morning while walking to work, a motorist actually stopped and waived us across the road. Om almost fell over. To his knowledge, such a thing has NEVER happened in India. Here, motorist have the right of way all the time!

One of about a dozen "by request" so far.