Monday, October 7, 2013

First Full Monday

While it seems like we'e been here forever, this week we will begin a full schedule of all that we will be doing through mid-December.

Our "three-a-week" training sessions on advanced SAP tools began this morning, and to our surprise, will be everyday, two hours each day and include take home assignments! Well, I guess we didn't just come over here to see the sights. Maybe I can fit homework in between the gym and the start of the work day.

Though it took longer than expected, we are all finally staffed on projects with clients in the US. That's the good, no GREAT news, cause you know what that means - billable hours, the life blood of consulting and the road to good perfomance evaluations. The bad news is that a couple of us now have a 2-11 pm work schedule. Bummer. I hope I don't. I hope I don't.

There's not much nightlife in Hyderabad after 10:30 pm, so dinner out or a nightcap with the whole gang may just have to be limited to the hotel during the week. More about our weekly routine as time permits.