Thursday, October 17, 2013

Training is Extraordinary

Of all that the Immersion Program accomplishes, I'd have to say that opportunity for advanced training on SAP modules is the most impressive piece and will be the important outcome.

We meet in small groups at least three times a week, for no fewer than two hours at a clip. Our instructors have been very thorough! Weekly assessments take place each Friday. They are very challenging, and did I mention that there are take-home assignments for each class? Fortunately, they're only due at the end of each week.

Our program cordinator here in Hyderabad, Chetan, has been sooo helpful, since the moment of our arrival. He checks on our training FREQUENTLY and wants to make very sure that we are getting the most out of our experience! While, there hasn't been a lot of discussion, comparing the first immersion expereince to ours, my impression is that they've borrowed a page from Emeril Lagasse on the Food Network. Just about everything has been "kicked up a notch." BAM!

Om, Kalie and I are specializing in Materials Management. Dan, Katie and Stephanie are in Sales and Distribution. Jon meets one-to-one with his instructor on the Finance module. What pressure!

I'm glad there are three of us doing M. Mgt., so we can help each other when we get stuck. Last night, the three of us gathered in Kalie's room to work on an assignment together. It was just like old times in Minnesota!!!

The value of this experience is that it simulates "real-life decision making" much more closely than did our training for the certification exam in Minneapolis. For the exam, we did more memorizing and less hands-on practice. Here, the critical difference is actually getting into the system and manipulating forms and data. What a grand plan! It is an opportunity not to be missed.

Note to Self :

Three day holidays are not the wide "window of opportunity" that they appear to be. Recovery from our excursion to Kerala was, how shall I say ... difficult.

My client work has really picked up and another early morning, Villanova recruiting committee, conference call has made the return to work challenging in more ways than one. A seven mile run and catching up on my beauty rest will be a priority this weekend!