Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Home of Real Hump Days!

It's Wednesday! We call it "Hump Day" in the States - as in reaching the mid point of the work week, getting over the "hump" of the week, so to speak. In truth, I haven't heard the phrase used here and I borrowed these images from the internet.

But ... the northern city of Bikaner in Rajasthani, the largest state in India, hosts an annual camel festival, usually in January. It celebrates the importance of the four-legged, desert beast with parades, races and contests for the best decorated camel. Elaborate saddles, mirrors, bells and flowers are among the items used for this purpose. Think of it as the Rose Parade with camels for floats!

Apparently, it takes as many as three years to create a tattoo like the one below. It's snipped directly into the fur of the camel.  I'm not sure if our travels will take us close to working camels, but if we do see any I bet they won't look like these. Happy "Hump Day" from India everybody!